There are many wars these days. There is the war against drugs, the war against poverty, the war against terrorism and the war against the economic disparity between men and women. Nevertheless, the more we push against these issues, the more we experience them. The more we see what we don’t want, the more we need to launch a rocket for what we do want.
Our words and actions are so powerful. Rebelling against what we don’t want, complaining about them is STEP 1, recognition. STEP 2 is creating leverage. Our leverage is our alignment with the vision of the future we want to create. When we are firm in our vision, Providence takes over and we spontaneously move into our energetic flow.
So, the question is . . . How do you want to feel in your next job, your new career? What kind of people do you want to hire or work with? How do you want to feel in this new occupation?
Before you move into your new home, what kind of neighbors would you like nearby? Do you want to live in the city or in the country? Is your apartment near coffee shops? Are you walking distance to your job?
Short story:
When I was pregnant with my son, I was living in upstate New York in a meditation ashram. I needed to find a home close by where I could have a home birth. Several friends invited me to have the birth at their apartments and homes. While I kept searching for the perfect place, I had a dream of the birth. I saw the details of the home, the bed, the pillows, the candles and, most importantly, what the place felt like. Surrounded by trees, the apt. was quiet, peaceful, and loving. I kept looking at my friends’ places, but none of them looked like my dream.
And then I walked into Jim’s apartment. It looked nothing like the dream, but it felt like the dream. He told me he was moving out in a few days, and I could have access to the apartment until the end of the month. After he moved out, I was able to create the room to look exactly like my dream. Friends came over and chanted for days before the birth to bring the energy to a high frequency, and I had ended up having the most auspicious birth with my amazing midwife.
What confirmation! The picture was so clear, and it manifested easily and effortlessly. It convinced me, that if we step into our magnificent future, see it with utmost clarity, and most importantly feel it, we will magnetize those opportunities, events, people, and synchronicities we want to bring to us.
Since that time, I have been presenting the Aligning with Your Souls Calling vision quest to my clients and workshop recipients. I even offer it as an audio link on my website.
This is our work! Getting clear and concise
about what we want.
Do you have projects you want to come into fruition? What are they? How much clarity do you have surrounding your desire? And, are you ready to step into that future?
I am offering my vision quest to people who have been reading my Newsletter for FREE! It’s a gift to all the people who have hung in there with my rants, my ups and downs, and offerings throughout the years.
If you would like to be on this LIVE, FREE call, it will be held
Wednesday Evening
May 15th, 2019
8:00 pm EST time, 5:00 PAC time.
Dial in the Number: xxxxxxxxx
Access Code: xxxxxxxxx
Be sure to have a pad and a writing utensil close to you.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you! It’s time to live the dream!
With great love and respect,