In NYC you can meet someone at a restaurant, a networking event, a dinner party or while standing in line at a theater. You can have an awesome conversation, share laughs, discover you know some of the same people and feel jubilant about meeting someone like-minded. In fact, you can’t wait to tell your friends about this new, cool connection. You exchange phone numbers, e-mails and decide to meet soon.
You get home later that night and there’s an e-mail, and a phone call from your new friend. They would love to meet for lunch SOON!
In L.A. you can meet someone at a restaurant, a networking event, a dinner party or while standing in line at a theater. You can have a provocative conversation with them, have a few laughs, discover you know some of the same people and feel jubilant about meeting someone new. In fact, you can’t wait to tell your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend about this cool connection you just made. You exchange phone numbers, e-mails and decide to meet soon.
Two to three months go by and the person you met (Let’s call her Alice), calls. You pick up the phone and she says, “Hi, it’s Alice.”
You have no idea who it is.
“It’s Alice! she says emphatically.
You still have no clue.
She is insulted. With attitude, she says, “we met last week at the movie theater and you told me you were casting a film. I’d really like to audition.”
You pause. “Oh, oh, yeah. I remember, I think. I had suggested you call me that night.”
“Well, she said, “you wouldn’t believe what happened……..and then …… so I thought…..I mean …..Can’t you squeeze me in?”
I reply, “The film has been shot.”
I’m not making this up! This is a phenomenon that happens quite often. Needless to say, I have my own theory as to why this occurs.
NY, particularly Manhattan is condensed, millions of people can live within a one block radius. In LA, everything is spread out. There are sprawling lawns, wide streets. No matter where you live, the ocean is close, and the rhythm of the waves allows your thoughts to expand – including time.
I’ve tried to talk to LA people about this. You know, educate them on time protocol. And, they look like their listening and sometimes even apologize for the delay. And then, it happens again. My son says, “Mom, not everyone is as perfect as you.” He was being sarcastic. But, I guess he’s right.
My astrologer friend, Gilbert Picinich has an astrological point of view: He says, L.A is under Neptunian energy that has to do with expansion, illusion, and mirage. It has a Piscean energy because of the close proximity to the ocean. NY is more Uranium. It’s immediate. It’s the lightning bolt.
The Grateful Dead’s song, “Truckin” says it best . . . New York’s got the ways and means; but just won’t let you be, oh no.
IPO’s on Wall Street happen NOW!
L.A. movies take 5-10 years.
Until we muse again,